Saturday, January 28, 2012

Multiple Intelligences

A man named Howard Gardner is very famous for his work done in exploring what the true definition of intelligence really is. He believed that IQ tests focused too much on mathematical skills and language. Thus he broadened the definition of intelligence to include “the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural settings. He designed intelligence to be of 8 different natures, including:
-          Logical-mathematical- “number-reasoning smart”
-          Linguistic- “word smart”
-          Body-kinesthetic- “body smart”
-          Musical- “music smart”
-          Spatial- “picture smart”
-          Interpersonal- “people smart”
-          Intrapersonal- “self-smart”
-          Naturalist- “environment-smart”
It is most definitely possible for a person to be stronger in a couple of the different types of intelligence and weaker in others. Some people are better athletes than others. Some people find school work and studying to be easier than others. Some people are amazing musicians while some people cannot even read musical notes.
As a future educator, I think that it is very important to be aware of and meet the needs of all of my students. I know that it will be important to incorporate interpersonal interactions among students as well as encourage my students to really take a closer look at themselves personally. It will be important to do a variety of different lessons so that all the different intelligences can be incorporated.
I know personally that I have never been “music smart”. I am an awful singer and cannot even really read music notes. I would not be classified to have musical intelligence. On the other hand, I have always excelled in school and would be said to have logical-mathematical intelligence. I would also say that I have body-kinesthetic intelligence as well as interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences.

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