Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Favorite Workout: Step Aerobics!

Step Aerobics has always been one of my favorite workouts to do. At home I am a member of Gold’s Gym and love to take the classes there on weeknights when they have them. I was a dancer from the age of 3 until I was in high school and thus I would say that I have a pretty good sense of rhythm. I love the step aerobics workout because music is incorporated as well as a great cardiovascular workout. It is really quite enjoyable and can be a lot more fun than just running mile after mile on the treadmill. I always feel satisfied after a step aerobics workout and know i got in my physical activity for the day.
The step aerobics instructor at the gym I go to has gotten to know me more since I always attend her classes when I am home. Last time I saw her over winter break she suggested that I take the course to become certified in teaching step aerobics! I loved her idea and when I go home this summer I definitely plan on getting my certification to teach.
For Lab D back when I was in EDU 255 I taught step aerobics. My class was full of boys except for myself and one other girl and these boys did not seem thrilled at all to be doing a lesson on step aerobics. Step aerobics has fooled many people into thinking that it is only for girls. Well by the end of the 20 minute class I think I had changed the opinion of every single boy in the class. They were all tired and sweating and shocked that they could get such a good workout in 20 minutes. Imagine if they took a whole 60 minute class!
I think that it is very important that people realize how many great health benefits that come along with step aerobics. One is always working at an upbeat tempo and burning tons of calories. I came across a website FITDAY that really explains the cardiovascular benefits of doing step aerobics. I cannot wait to do step aerobics in my physical education class and know that I will be able to back myself up with evidence to support why step aerobics is such a great way to get physical activity and to have children reach the MVPA goals each day.

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