Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Some Shocking News

Dribbling Lesson for EDU 355
Today I once again taught at the Cortland Christian Academy. My partner and I decided on a lesson that would focus on dribbling because our host teacher has mentioned to us before that she thinks the students need a lot of work on this skill. We did a short activity called “busy bee” for the instant activity and the students really seemed to enjoy this activity. We then went into a series of dribbling progressions. It was important to make sure that the students were first comfortable with the basketball and then we moved on to actually dribbling. The students were all working very hard and were very on task today for our lesson. After we had gotten through everything we had planned in the dribbling progression, we closed the class by playing a small game that we learned in 355 lab called Forest Ranger. This game is a lot of fun, but also requires patience. It was great to end the class on such a positive note.

Today at the school I found out that my “master teacher” is really not a certified teacher at all. She was a teaching assistant at the Cortland Christian Academy last year and they had to cut her position due to budget cuts. So out of the goodness of her heart, she stepped in this year as a VOLUNTEER to teacher physical education classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was absolutely shocked when I heard this and was actually quite disappointed. It is because Cortland Christian Academy is a private school that they are allowed to get away with having a volunteer parent as the physical education teacher. I think that the biggest reason that I found this disappointing is because the school is not seeing physical education as important and do not see the need for a teacher certified in teaching kids about motor skills and physical activity. With this new knowledge, I feel that it will be my duty to show the students what physical education is really about for the rest of my time there!

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