I have to admit that switching over from my blackberry to an iPhone at the beginning of January was a very smart phone. The millions of Apps that are available are absolutely incredible. I recently searched for some physical education apps.
One of the first apps I downloaded was called “Play” and was free. It was a pretty neat app and included warm-ups, stretches, games, as well as cool downs. What made the app even more reliable and authentic was the fact that it incorporated NASPE standards into the various activities. I found that the “Play” app was definitely more geared torwards elementary physical education and almost all of the activities would not be appropriate for middle school or high school. As a future physical educator, I know that I will always be looking for new and innovative ways to improve my teaching and this app really had some fun little activities.
Another app that I recently purchased for $0.99 is called “Fitness Tests”. This is an awesome app for physical educators because allows one to reference over 30 physical tests. The tests range from cardio and aerobic tests to flexibility tests. The app gives information as to how to structure the test and administer it. It also gives norm results. Some of the tests included in the app include the mile run, the 300meter shuttle run test, leg press and bench press, timed sit-ups and push-ups, the vertical jump test, and an agility test just to name a few. In the future I know it will be extremely convenient to have access to all of these tests in one convenient location on my iPhone.
Another app that I also purchased was iMuscle. This is a really neat app that allows you to select an individual muscle on the human body. Once a muscle is selected, the app will give you exercises to strengthen the individual muscle.
I came across this website http://pe4lifeblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/ipadiphoneipod-touch-apps-for-use-in.html. This is actually someone’s blog who has compiled a list of some of the best physical education apps. It’s really neat and I would definitely recommend checking it out!